Sunday, December 4, 2011

An Introduction

     In 1969, investigative journalist Seymour Hersh helped publicize the Mỹ Lai massacre that took place during the Vietnam War. The Pentagon Papers, spearheaded by Daniel Ellsberg and published in The New York Times in 1971, brought to attention the mishandling of the Lyndon Johnson administration's management of Vietnam. Intrepid reporters Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward broke the Watergate scandal in the Washington Post in 1973. Now, we have self-styled journalists such as thin-skinned weasel faced wimp James O'Keefe and Andrew Breitbart, whose style of pranks and manipulation of audio and video recordings have become the standard for political discourse in this country. What caused this precipitous decline, this erosion of the news media? Over the course of this weblog I will strive to find the answers to this troubling question.

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