Sunday, December 4, 2011

Rubert Murdoch's media empire

     The year is 1980. Ted Turner's Cable News Network debuts, creating the first 24-hour news network. Arch-conservative mass media owner Rupert Murdoch launched Fox News in 1996, finally giving voice to white American males. Fox News often doesn't emphatically assert and stand by its statements, but employs the question mark instead to its captions. The style and aesthetics of Fox have been emulated by other media outlets, such as CNN. Obviously there is not enough news to fill twenty-four hours, so a significant portion of airtime is dedicated to "analysis." There is time committed to pop culture, human interest stories, round table discussions of relevant political issues, and a 24-hours crawl at the bottom of the screen. Many news channels follow the dictum, "If it bleeds, it leads,"concentrating on sensationalistic stories to score high Nielsen ratings.
Neil Cavuto and an example of question mark abuse.

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